The Ruby Quilt Pattern - A Little History
The names for my patterns have come from various different places — sometimes they are named after friends, teachers, or family members and sometimes they are just the name that felt like it fit the pattern.
Finding and picking names has actually become one of my favorite parts of the pattern-writing process and it has led me to dig through my family history a little bit. Since many of my ancestors are named Elizabeth or Mary, I have tried to branch out to great-aunts, great-great aunts, etc. and it has been so much fun.
The Ruby Quilt Pattern got its name from the sister of my great-grandfather. I never met him because he died before I was born. Their family lived in the Heber Valley area of Utah after their father immigrated from Scotland.
Ruby was the 8th child and my great-grandfather, Shield, was the 7th. I haven't been able to find any photos of their family from when the kids were young, even though their are photos of both of Ruby's parents with their families so I don't know if the photos just weren't saved or they didn't have any taken. Ruby's mother died when she was just 10 years old so maybe that was why there aren't photos.
This photo of Ruby's mother is one of my family family history photos (that is my great-great grandmother in the front). That hair!
I really enjoyed getting to know a little bit more about Ruby and my Montgomery family history and I am hoping to share more of these posts for past and future patterns!
Caren Garlock on
I’ve always loved that you had special meaning to all your quilt names and especially enjoyed reading about Ruby.
Anne von Trapp on
That is such an awesome and fun peek into the past. I love that you name your patterns after family members. And seriously, that hair on those ladies is something else!