The Zoe Quilt - Baby Size
A couple of weeks ago, I decided (on a whim) that I wanted to make a baby size version of my newest pattern, the Zoe Quilt. Since I have been trying to use fabric in my stash, I pulled a quick scrappy-ish bundle and got to work.
This pattern is super fast and I put the entire quilt together in an evening. Of course by the time I basted, quilted, sewed on the binding, photographed, AND blogged about it - it took a couple of weeks.
When I made the quilt, I was right in the middle of handling lots of emails, invoices, etc. that are not nearly as fun as quilting and I needed a quick pick-me-up. Baby quilts are so perfect for those times when you don't have time to make a larger quilt!
All of the fabrics in the quilt top (except Pearl Bracelets) are older Cotton + Steel prints and I have been trying to find the right project for them for a loooong time. I love that this pattern lets them shine and doesn't chop them up.
The backing is a print that has been in my stash for lots of years (I would guess 7 or 8 years?) - I have no idea when I picked it up but it was fun to finally get to use it. I was a little stumped about picking a binding fabric since the colors in this quilt are kind of all over the place but I felt like this blue was perfect - not too dark, but it framed the quilt nicely.
This is pattern is definitely going to be a go-to baby quilt pattern for me - it is perfect for last minute baby gifts.
If you would like to make your own baby-size version of the Zoe Quilt Pattern, you can pick up a copy in the shop!