The Penny Quilt - Stay Gold Version

The Penny Quilt - Stay Gold Version

I thought I would share a little bit about how I designed the Penny Quilt Pattern. When I am working on designing a new pattern, I usually go back and look at old ideas that I have rejected.

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

A couple of years ago, I did a mockup similar to this pattern, but it wasn't on point. I switched it up and made it on point and a little off center and all of a sudden the old idea (that I wasn't that excited about) was a new idea that I was VERY excited about!

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

The first mockup I did of this version was of the cover quilt - it was the perfect collection to test out in this pattern because the prints have variety in value, shade, and scale and they pack a lot of punch. I wanted to make sure that the pattern could work with bright and this collection is bright and colorful!

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

The cover version of the Penny Quilt is made with Stay Gold by Melody Miller. I have been a huge fan of Melody's ever since her original Typewriter prints - they pre-dated Cotton + Steel and were printed on linen and they are still one of my favorite prints. Her collections have gotten progressively more beautiful and I always look forward to seeing what she has next.

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

One of my favorite aspects of Melody's fabrics is that they involve a lot of color and pattern but don't look busy - I am a sucker for bright fabrics. 

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

I went a little overboard on photographing this one! The quilting was done by Heidi at Piece and Joy Quilting and it is gorgeous.

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

If you are wondering what the quilt will look like with colors that are a little less bright, I have another version of the quilt to show you tomorrow. Here is a little sneak peek.

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

If you would like to make your own copy of the Penny Quilt Pattern you can pick up a copy in the shop.


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