The Kara Quilt in Pixel
I love basic prints. They are great on their own and they are great mixed with other collections — they are probably my favorite type of fabric to work with.

There is a new line of prints from Rashida Coleman-Hale called Pixel that I am hoping will be available as a basic print for a long time. The fabrics are super soft and drape-y and have a really pretty small-scale print with little pops of color. This line has some of my favorite colors to sew with (purple, warm yellows, and peach) and I can see myself getting a bolt of the black print and using it as a binding fabric for about half of the quilts that I make. It's beautiful.

The Kara Quilt pattern design originally started out a little differently. I had played around with these shapes using a previous collection and it just didn't quite feel right. When I started to mockup these Pixel prints in the collection, I did a little rearranging and all of a sudden I loved the pattern. Sometimes a quilt just needs the right fabric collection to get it going.

One of the things that I look for most in a quilt pattern is movement. A quilt should make you want to keep looking at it and keep your eye moving and I feel like this pattern does that particularly well.

The quilting for this project was done by Heidi of Piece and Joy Quilting. When I took the quilt top to Heidi, I had very different ideas about what I wanted to do but she suggested this pattern and I knew it was the right way to go. Heidi has generously offered 20% off of the quilting on your Kara Quilt using this same quilting pattern if you can get her your quilt by the end of the year. She is just wonderful.

The backing fabric is a really pretty mustard print from another of Rashida's new collections (it's called Linear and it has the most perfect purple floral print that I can't wait to get my hands on). The binding is the black Pixel print because it's the perfect binding fabric!

Pixel is expected in shops in November and the Kara Quilt can be found in my shop!