The Carly QAL - Finalizing Your Fabrics
Yay, it's finally here! Let's get started on our Carly Quilt patterns. This week we will talk a little bit more about fabric selection and fabric placement in the quilt to make sure your project is a success. I will also be sharing my fabric choices with you and discuss a little about how I chose them.
If you are on Instagram, this would be a great time to share your fabric choices and a little about how you chose them. It can be so valuable to listen to different thought processes and how or why you picked your fabric. Make sure to use the #carlyqal hashtag.

Spoiler alert: I made a little change about my scrappy quilt. I will be talking about this in my Instagram stories today and will share more about it on the blog later this week. Let's just say 🌈🌈🌈
So what are things you can do this week?
- Pick your fabrics if you haven't done this already. Make sure that your fabrics all stand out from your background fabric.
- Start planning! Download the free coloring sheet if you find that helpful.
- Each block will have 4 fabrics in it - a Fabric A, B, C, and D. Start grouping these together. I will work on this in my stories on Instagram this week.
- Prep your fabric for cutting. Press everything thoroughly and starch (if you use starch - I don't!).
- Make sure you have a nice, sharp blade on your rotary cutter so you are ready to go.
- If you are making the scrappy version of the quilt and you haven't already started sorting through your scraps, get started. It always takes longer than you think.
- Clear off your cutting mat so you have plenty of room - this is always a big chore for me!
- Post photos on Instagram showing your fabric and give us a little info on why you picked the fabrics. You can also ask questions if you have any.
- Comment on other photos in the #carlqal hashtag - this is a great way to get to know each other!