Most Popular Tutorials of 2023
Everyone loves a free tutorial. Here are my most popular tutorials in 2023.

1. The Plaid-ish Tutorial
2. The Mini Plaid-ish Tutorial
3. Stacked Squares Quilt
4. Kaleidoscope Scrap Quilt Tutorial
5. Cut Loose Tutorial
6. Valued Scrap Quilt
7. Pixel Love Tutorial
8. Deep Blue Sea Quilt
9. April Giant Block

10. August Giant Block
Most of these tutorials are all available as free downloads in my shop. The Plaid-ish and Mini Plaid-ish Quilt Tutorials are available for free to newsletter subscribers — click here to sign up!
Kat P. on
I used your August Giant Block to make a baby quilt and carried it in a parade to promote our guild! I love your blog, patterns and tutorials. Thank you for being so generous!