Finished kaleidoscope quilt
I spent last night sewing the binding onto June's do. Good Stitches kaleidoscope quilt while watching the Olympics opening ceremonies.
I wasn't sure how to quilt it, but I decided that this would be a good chance to do some free motion quilting since I have been trying to branch out from straight lines. I did pebble quilting in the gray areas and left the colored triangles unquilted since they are pretty small and I wanted them to stand out. This is the first time I have done pebble quilting and only the 2nd time I have done free motion quilting (although I have been practicing) so I was pretty happy with how it turned out (although it is definitely nowhere near perfect).
For the backing I used a Free Spirit solid called Hot Rose which I LOVE. I knew I wanted to use a solid for the back since the front is so crazy. I showed the quilt to my 4 year old daughter and while she liked the front, when she saw the back she asked why all quilts aren't hot pink. Good question.
I pieced the do. Good Stitches label into the backing.
This project was so much fun to work on and I am grateful to be working with the wonderful ladies of the Wish circle. This quilt is currently in the washing machine and will soon be headed for Project Linus.