A Patriotic Tessa Quilt
When I started the Tessa QAL, I knew that I wanted to make two quilts and that those two quilts needed to look significantly different. In the past, I have always used white fabric for the sashing when I made this pattern, so I challenged myself to do something different.

Yep, I went for navy. Still not as daring as it could have been, but it is a drastically different from the Fairy Tale version of the quilt that I made.

My inspiration for the colors in this quilt was that red Scandinavian-style print - I have had that in my stash for ages and was glad to finally get a chance to use it. From there, the colors ended up unintentionally patriotic (but very fitting for this time of year in the US!).

The other prints in the quilt were pulled from my stash - their placement ended up being very dependent on how much fabric I had left of each one. I don't have a lot of red in my stash so it was a little tricky to find enough red prints.

What I DID have in my stash was this awesome, red Cotton + Steel bird print. It was the PERFECT backing for this quilt and I just love it so much. I finished it of with Kona Navy binding to match the sashing fabric.

It was truly a joy to put this one together - I love this pattern even more now that I have seen all of the quilts made in the quilt along.
If you would like to see the QAL posts, you can find them all here. You can find the previous versions of this pattern that I have made in the list below:
If you would like to pick up a copy of the pattern, you can find it in the shop.