7 Tutorials of 2023
This year I added a few new tutorial topics to the blog and updated an old favorite. Here is a roundup of the tutorials I shared this year.
The Mini Plaid-ish Quilt

Big Stitch Binding Tutorial
(Updated with videos and new supplies list)

Backing a Quilt with Minky

Using Extra Wideback Fabric as Background Fabric

The Rainbow Mini Plaid-ish Quilt

Regaining Your Quiltspiration

Trimming Your Quilt

If you aren't already following along on Instagram, many of the tips and tutorials I shared are through videos on that platform. I try to share here as well, but not everything makes it onto the blog so don't miss out!
Are there any tutorials that you want to see in 2024?
Marianne on
@Linda, I use a walking footing and set my machine to sew slower than usual. I also draw a line using erasable pen rather than tape, I feel the tape has me going crooked as I don’t want to sew on it. Hope that helps!
Linda Moore on
Hi Erica. Do you have a tutorial or detailed instructions on how to sew your cross hatching quilting style? I also like using this quilting technique but I cannot sew a straight line to save my soul! (I started sewing my own clothes etc when I was 12 years old!). I’ve been using blue painters tape as a guideline but still get really wonky lines yikes! I would really appreciate your advise as I’ve been making one quilt after another (a lot of your patterns too). Thank you and have a most wonderful New Year full of your awesome patterns!
Linda Moore from California