The Penny QAL - Cutting Your Fabrics
I have so enjoyed seeing the #pennyqal posts show up on Instagram! Make sure to use the hashtag in your posts and follow the hashtag to see each other posts. It is so nice to see you commenting and helping each other with your Penny Quilts!
This week I will be doing a live Q&A session on Instagram. This will take place on Tuesday 10/5 at 11:30am PST. I will add a question box to my Instagram stories on Monday night and then I will answer the questions in the live video. If you have any questions, this is a great time to ask them!
The majority of information will be distributed through the email list this week. There are videos discussing how to cut your fabrics for the fat quarter version and for the pattern as written. Because the videos discuss specifics about the pattern, the videos are only available for email subscribers who have purchased the pattern.
If you haven't signed up for the email list, don't worry! If you sign up now, you will receive an email (it takes about an hour to show up in your inbox) that has links to all of the emails that have been sent out so far. You can sign up using the form below. Note: if you purchased the pattern from a shop, just put the name of the shop in the "order number" field
If you have been around here for a while, you know that I am a minimalist when it comes to cutting supplies. Here is a list of the supplies that I think are the most helpful for cutting fabrics for your quilt. I will list my preferred brands, but of course you can use comparable products.
I will be sharing some photos/stories about my cutting progress this week on Instagram so make sure you are following along! If you would like to see my full list of recommended quilting projects, you can find them on my Amazon Storefront.