Sample Sale Round 1

Sample Sale Round 1

Today is the first day of the sample sale! There are 12 quilts available and they will show up when the sale begins at 6:30 am Pacific Time. 

Click here to shop the sale!

Any quilts that don't sell during the week will be marked down when new quilts are added to the shop next Saturday. I will try to vary the time of day that the sale begins to try to be fair to different time zones. 

I am selling most of the quilts that I have saved for trunk shows so that I can make new quilts to save for trunk shows 😂 so there will be a combination of newer and older quilts listed over the next few weeks but all of the quilts are unused.

You can find more information on the Sample Sale page in my shop. The quilts won't show up until the sale begins. 

Thank you all for your support! I am excited for these quilts to be loved and put to good use. 

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