Good Habits for Quilters - Machine Cleaning
A few weeks ago I read a book called Atomic Habits. Generally I am purely a fiction reader, but a friend recommended this one a while back and I decided to give it a try. I'm not going to say that this book has revolutionized my life, but it has made me think a lot more about the small habits in my life.
Which of course made me think about quilting, because quilting is a big part of my life, and guys . . . my quilting habits are bad. HORRIBLE. So I thought it would be fun to do a series of posts this year on developing good quilting habits and I am going to start with one of the only habits I am actually pretty good at: cleaning my machine.
I am not going to go into all of the detail of the things you "should" be doing to clean your machine because that will vary so much based on your model, I am going to tell you what works for me (and I hope you will share what works for you in the comments). This is going to be one of those things where there might be a "right" way to do things, but if the "right" way is something you can't maintain, you've got to do what works for you.
This is what works for me: I clean my machine after every 3 bobbins. In order to maintain this, I only wind 3 bobbins of thread at a time and as soon as they run out, I know it is time to clean my machine. I have heard people say that you should clean your machine after every bobbin, but that just isn't practical for me.
This is how I clean my machine. Depending on your machine, yours might have different needs so make sure to check your manual for specifics.
Cleaning my machine takes me about 5-10 minutes. Afterward, I wind 3 more bobbins and I am ready to go. With all of the bad habits that I have cultivated in my sewing life, cleaning my machine is important because it helps me avoid skipped stitches and other frustrating consequences of a clogged machine.
Which of course made me think about quilting, because quilting is a big part of my life, and guys . . . my quilting habits are bad. HORRIBLE. So I thought it would be fun to do a series of posts this year on developing good quilting habits and I am going to start with one of the only habits I am actually pretty good at: cleaning my machine.
I am not going to go into all of the detail of the things you "should" be doing to clean your machine because that will vary so much based on your model, I am going to tell you what works for me (and I hope you will share what works for you in the comments). This is going to be one of those things where there might be a "right" way to do things, but if the "right" way is something you can't maintain, you've got to do what works for you.
This is what works for me: I clean my machine after every 3 bobbins. In order to maintain this, I only wind 3 bobbins of thread at a time and as soon as they run out, I know it is time to clean my machine. I have heard people say that you should clean your machine after every bobbin, but that just isn't practical for me.
This is how I clean my machine. Depending on your machine, yours might have different needs so make sure to check your manual for specifics.
- Turn off and unplug your machine.
- Use a tiny screwdriver to remove the needle plate.
- Take out the bobbin case and remove dust and lint.
- Using a soft bristled brush, clean around the bobbin casing, feed dogs, and all throughout this compartment.
- Then use a pipe cleaner to clean deeper into your machine. I probably do this every other time I clean my machine, but it really helps get the lint that falls down into the bottom.
- Place a drop of oil on the sewing machine wick (consult your manual to see if your machine needs to be oiled and where to apply the oil).
- Replace the bobbin casing (I usually turn my handwheel a couple of times to make sure I have seated the bobbin casing correctly) and the needle plate.
- Use a pipe cleaner or brush to clean the foot and around the needle (mine tends to get a little linty).
- Take a minute to wipe down any lint on the exterior of the machine.
- Plug your machine back in, turn it on, and get back to sewing!
Cleaning my machine takes me about 5-10 minutes. Afterward, I wind 3 more bobbins and I am ready to go. With all of the bad habits that I have cultivated in my sewing life, cleaning my machine is important because it helps me avoid skipped stitches and other frustrating consequences of a clogged machine.
A great way to keep your machine dust-free is to place a cover over it when you aren't using it. Of course I don't do this because I am lazy and I sew with my machine almost every day so I don't take the time, but if you aren't a daily sewer (or even if you are) it can help keep your machine protected.
Do you have any advice for keeping your sewing machine clean? I would love to hear your tips and tricks in the comments!