The Georgie Quilt in Rifle Paper Co.
I am a HUGE Rifle Paper Co. fan (see here, here, here, here, here, and here). All of those past projects have left me with a nice little pile of leftovers that I knew would be perfect for my new Georgie Quilt Pattern.

I had more of some prints and less of others, and I had to mix in a few older Cotton + Steel Basics, but I made it work. Honestly, I was so sad to use up some of these prints but I am trying to have a healthier relationship with my fabric stash. Ha! It was fun to sew with them.

Ideally I would have made this from all Rifle Paper Co. florals - someone please make a version like that for me! After I made this quilt, I went online and promptly ordered a bunch of their newer florals. So much for my healthy relationship with my fabric stash!

One nice thing about this pattern is that you do need a decent size piece of fabric to make the larger size triangles, but you can get away with pretty small pieces for the accent triangles. I had to get a little creative with my cutting for some of these!

I did order some fabric for the the backing - I really like this Amalfi print. Yes, I know, stop ordering fabric. Oh well - no regrets!
Head over to the shop to pick up a copy of the pattern - I will be sharing my pattern testers' quilts tomorrow and my rainbow ombre version next week. Stay tuned!
Kendra on
Love the background fabric, any chance you remember the name?