New Quiltalong - The Penny Quilt

New Quiltalong - The Penny Quilt

Now that the kids are back in school and I have some quiet time to work (yay!) it's time for a Quiltalong - this time we will be making the Penny Quilt. The pattern is 20% off from now until the QAL starts using the code PennyQAL. This discount applies to both the PDF and paper versions of the pattern. 

The Penny Quilt Pattern - Kitchen Table Quilting

The Quiltalong will last 8 weeks and will begin on September 27th. Each week we will be tackling one step in the process. Bear with me, there is will be a lot of words in this post.

The Penny Quiltalong - Kitchen Table Quilting

This is the 3rd QAL that I have done (previously we did Tessa and Violet) and each time I have tried out some different ideas to see what does (or doesn't!) work. For the Penny QAL, there will be posts on the blog and Instagram, but I will also be doing at least a couple of live Q&A sessions on Instagram and I will be sending out some of the info over email. I have decided not to do prizes for this QAL - I want to focus on pattern help and community.

The reason for adding the email component is because I want to provide some information that is just for people who have purchased the pattern. As it is written, the pattern is mostly fat quarter friendly but requires a few larger cuts. However, it is possible to make the pattern with just fat quarters and I will be giving those instructions in the email. The reason that I didn't write the pattern to be completely fat quarter friendly is because it takes more time (and in my opinion is more annoying to make it that way), but I wanted to provide the instructions for you if you want to go that route. 

A Penny Quilt for a Teacher

I have created an email list that is just for the QAL. If you have previously purchased the pattern, I have already added you to the list and you should have received an email from me this morning (I apologize if you do not want to receive this emails - it is easy to unsubscribe). I promise not to overwhelm you with emails. 

If you would like to join the email list, you can do that using the form below. Please, only sign up if you have purchased the pattern.

More info about the QAL will be coming soon - if you want to get started on your planning, you can download the coloring sheets for the pattern here. You can also check out the previous versions of the pattern that I have made:

Stay Gold Version

Five + Ten Version

A Version for a Teacher

If you post about your quilt on Instagram, make sure to use the hashtag #pennyqal so we can all see it!

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