5 Things I Have Started Doing to Have a More Creative Week

5 Things I Have Started Doing to Have a More Creative Week

Life gets busy and messy and stressful and it can be hard to navigate all of that to find time and space to be creative. But being creative is so important and I have done some real work tor try to make it a part of my life.

Here are 5 habits I have worked to develop over the past few years to creative space for creativity in my life. 

5 things I have started doing at the (Website) - 2
5 things I have started doing at the (Website) - 3
5 things I have started doing at the (Website) - 4
5 things I have started doing at the (Website) - 5
5 things I have started doing at the (Website) - 6

The main thing that I have found is that if I make small changes and implement them over long periods of time and stay consistent, I am able to clear out the stress and mess and have more room to be creative.

What do you do to make room for creativity in your life?

Comments 3

Hazel Collins on

Hello I bought the patern “The Betty Quilt”. It only has instructions for Baby, Lap, and Twin Quilts. I would like to make a queen. Are there instructions for a queen size quilt. I would really appreciate your help

CarolAnn on

Love the timer idea. I can get easily overwhelmed when there’s too many areas to clean, and then I don’t do any of it. I like the idea of a limit on the time. I’ve also tried timing myself doing mundane tidying tasks as a reminder of how little time it actually takes. This worked wonders on my resistance in emptying the dishwasher (which usually takes 3-4 minutes…why was I avoiding that so much?

Beth on

These are really good ideas! I plan to keep this email.
One thing I do is after one or two projects, I attack my scrap bits and sew them into what I call crumb blocks. This helps keep the pile of scraps in just one shoe box.

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